Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Christmas A Little Bit Later

Laurie and Stacey came over to celebrate Christmas with us tonight.  Miss Chloe got some adorable coral and navy onesies for the summer and AJ got a 50-piece farm set complete with a huge rock mountain, farm animals and palm trees.  Palm trees?!  Yes, palm trees.  Odd, I know - but AJ LOVES it and can't stop playing with it.  Laurie and Stace also brought over an activty for AJ - pipe cleaners and alphabet blocks. AJ made a few bracelets for Mommy and learned about the alphabet in the process.  It's a win-win!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Under the Weather

AJ isn't feeling up to par these days so I told him to go lay down on his Mickey couch and take a rest.  He did.  And this is how I found him... how adorable is this?!


Friday, January 24, 2014

Tired Much?

I found AJ laying like this on his Mickey couch after I put Chloe down for the night... I'd say someone was tired!

Icy Fun

I noticed some ice on the upstairs side door and decided to try and have a little photography fun with it.  I think the pictures came out pretty darn neat for not having a macro lens.  If only I had Kimmy's 100mm lens... ooh, that would have been fun!





So Sweet

This absolutely made my heart melt when I saw this happen this afternoon...

Many Faces

The many faces of Chloe during tummy time..

This little lady cracks me up!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

That Face!

Look at that face.. how cute is he?!
And who needs a haircut pretty badly?! AJ!

TT with BB

Chloe likes having tummy time with her big brother!

They're too cool for the camera!

Like brother, like sister!


Wow... it's already been three months since our sweet little girl has joined our little family!  This month has been a bit better with her fussiness thankfully!  We're still going strong on exclusively breastfeeding which makes me a super happy mommy knowing I am able to provide all that she needs.  We've established a nap schedule and she is still sleeping through the night - yay Chloe! Mommy has officially started back at work full-time for my part-time position of 20 hours/week.  She's not that fond of me being at work though and she is sure to let her grandparents know that by crying and being fussy.  The minute I get home from work and she sees me and I hold her - she calms right down as if nothing was bothering her.  I love it and hate it all at the same time.  I love that she loves me and always wants to be around me, but it makes it hard on me and her caretakers while I am gone. :(   Little miss loves to coo, smile and giggle for me.  The sound of a baby giggle is enough to make your heart melt..  Chloe has become a little drool-meister!  I don't think she is starting to teethe yet, I think she just likes to drool!  Grandma and Grandpa put Chloe in the swing today and she did not freak out so I'm thinking she might be a fan of the swing again!  Woohoo!  And it seems as though Chloe might be mastering the art of rolling from her back to her belly pretty soon - she has certainly aced from her belly to her back though which makes tummy time so much fun! haha

Another month gone by and my sweet baby girl is growing up!  Happy three months Chloe - Mommy, Daddy and AJ love you!


Look at that smile!

Playing shy.




Stretched out.


One of my favorites from this session.



Big girl on belly time.

Oh, hi.



