Thursday, January 9, 2014


We had another impromptu photoshoot today.  I can't say that both of the kiddos cooperated - usually they were looking in different directions or one of them was upset and didn't want to participate anymore... but in the end, I got a few cute photos and that's all I can ask for!

Looking at Momma!


Happy Little Chloe

On e of the only semi-looking at me pics of them together

Yup - this was how the majority of the photos were - opposite directions!

Her and that tongue!

Another failed attempt at a cute sibling picture!

But then he gave his little sister kisses and it made it all better.

Nope - failed attempt. 

I think AJ was casting a spell on his sister.. or at least that's what it looks like!

Then AJ decided he was just done with pictures - he wanted to play with his figurines instead.

The train table was no longer a train table, but a figurine table!

Playing with his slinky.

Talking to Cookie Monster..about cookies, naturally.

The Big Brother of the family now!

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