Sunday, March 31, 2013

All Tuckered Out!

Somebody was a bit tired from the Easter Egg and Bunny fun!

Easter Bunny Pics!

We couldn't get enough of the Easter Bunny!







Easter Egg Hunt 2013

Daddy and I were super excited for AJ today because he was finally old enough to 'hunt' for his own eggs at the annual Easter Egg Hunt put on by Baba and Dziadzi for the kiddos.  From the minute we pulled into the driveway, AJ was itching to find all his eggs and open them!  But first up, there was a special visitor for AJ to see...

The Easter Bunny!!

He wasn't too sure of him... 'Mom, are you sure it's ok for me to say hi to the Bunny?!'

Then he finally started to open up...

But was not a fan of taking his picture with the Easter Bunny!

One without his hand in front of his face!

He was all about giving high-fives to the Bunny though!

And another high-five!

Allie, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with the Easter Bunny.  I think
 she's still traumatized from Goofy on her first trip to Disney!

GG wasn't afraid of the Bunny though!

Family picture time!

Next up was a chance to scope out all of the eggs that were 'hidden'!

'I got this!'

Katie was less than thrilled that the Easter Bunny was there and that I was taking her picture.

AJ gave a hand at the tricycle!

Daddy helped out a bit...

And he was off!

After showing Katie that it was just Amy dressed up as the Easter Bunny, 
she reluctantly agreed to take a picture with the Bunny!

And finally Auntie Lauren, Uncle Matt and Molly made it!

Molly wasn't too excited about being with the Easter Bunny all by herself though.

So once Mommy and Daddy rejoined her, she was golden!

AJ wanted one more try at the tricycle before the big hung commenced!

And it started!  

AJ was so egg-cited for all his great finds!

Some of the eggs were almost as big as him!

Daddy was a great bag-holder for all the eggs. 

There were eggs everywhere!

Even in Dziadzi's periwinkle, which AJ didn't hesitate to walk through!

Almost done!

Time to open!  AJ was super excited about his Yoda koosh ball!

Some Disney Cars magnets...

And some noise makers...

AJ had to try out his new toys!

I think he likes it!

Yay! More Mickey Mouse Clubhouse books!
Even Molly got some Easter goodies at the Egg Hunt!

And after all his eggs were opened, the goodies didn't stop!  Stacey, Amy and 
Laurie put together an awesome basket for AJ and the girls!

He loves all of his goodies!  Thanks girls - you rock!!

Easter Morning 2013

When we woke up this morning, we noticed the Easter Bunny had visited our house overnight!  He left a trail of chocolate mini eggs leading from AJ's bedroom all the way to his Easter basket in the living room..  Aj was quite impressed!

The start of the chocolate egg trail...

...and where it continued...

...and it lead to AJ's basket!

AJ's Easter basket and goodies

AJ wasn't too impressed when he woke up on Easter morning...

But then he saw that the Easter Bunny left him something...

He leaned down to check it out..

And then realized it was chocolate eggs!

Can you see the excitement?!

YAY for chocolate! Thanks Easter Bunny!

Then he caught glimpse of his present...

And realized there was even more chocolate eggs in his basket!

He even tried to eat one with the foil still on it! Silly AJ!

He was super excited about his new Jake Look and Find book.

And Mickey... wait for the excitement...

I LOVE this picture!! He was sooo excited when he realized Mickey lit up and his hat spins around!

The Easter Bunny even brought him a new Mickey shirt!

Just hanging out with my Mickey and eating a chocolate egg.  No big deal.

He looks like he's in a chocolate coma... he only had two eggs!

He washed it down with some milk and was all set to get ready
 for his next Easter adventure at Baba and Dziadzi's!