The start of the chocolate egg trail...
...and where it continued...
...and it lead to AJ's basket!
AJ's Easter basket and goodies
AJ wasn't too impressed when he woke up on Easter morning...
But then he saw that the Easter Bunny left him something...
He leaned down to check it out..
And then realized it was chocolate eggs!
Can you see the excitement?!
YAY for chocolate! Thanks Easter Bunny!
Then he caught glimpse of his present...
And realized there was even more chocolate eggs in his basket!
He even tried to eat one with the foil still on it! Silly AJ!
He was super excited about his new Jake Look and Find book.
And Mickey... wait for the excitement...
I LOVE this picture!! He was sooo excited when he realized Mickey lit up and his hat spins around!
The Easter Bunny even brought him a new Mickey shirt!
Just hanging out with my Mickey and eating a chocolate egg. No big deal.
He looks like he's in a chocolate coma... he only had two eggs!
He washed it down with some milk and was all set to get ready
for his next Easter adventure at Baba and Dziadzi's!
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