Sunday, November 4, 2012


One-six. That's how old my little one is. Sixteen months.  Can you believe it?!  AJ now blows kisses to me when I leave for work in the morning or afternoon and if I'm lucky enough, he'll even give me a kiss.  It's the cutest thing - he lightly smacks his lips together a few times to let you know he wants to give you a kiss.  My heart melts every time he does it.  He imitates me doing the 'tip me over and pour me out' part from I'm a Little Teapot and walks around half bent over.  Silly kiddo!  He's learning his animal sounds - when you ask him what a cow says, he'll tell you 'ooooo' and for a sheep, 'aaaahhh'.  He claps/snaps his hands together when you ask what a crocodile and alligator do.  He tries to make a monkey sound and it's the most adorable thing cause he doesn't exactly have the sound mastered yet.  He constantly yells 'Mom' now in his loudest voice - it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing.  We'll be shopping at Aldi and I will have walked a few feet away from him (mind you, Daddy is standing right there with him) and AJ starts yelling 'Mom' in his loudest voice.  No matter how loud it is or where we are, it's the sweetest sound I've ever heard.  He's learned to unvelcro his shoes, but thankfully doesn't do it too often!  He is absolutely loving the Halloween decorations I've put up around the house - especially the dancing skeletons that I bought just for him to play with and dance along with when you push the music button, which he does all on his own!  He's learned to climb up the stairs on his Step2 slide and go down it all by himself.  And he can climb up on our couches now - we better watch out.  He's forgotten how to sign 'more' and since I've retaught him, he's taken it upon himself to learn it as him clapping his hands together.  He now stockpiles his snacks in his toybox and has become infatuated with goldfish.  They are his favorite snack, hands down.  And he's survived his second major hurricane and power outage.  I don't think there is anything this kid can't handle.  He's ready to take on the world.

Happy Sixteen Months, my sweet Alexander James!

[Disclaimer: We had a 'naked baby' photoshoot this time around.  Just warning you.. there will be some skin showing!]

We had a bath time/naked time photo session this time around!

Crazy hair with the body wash bottle!

Einstein hair, perhaps?!

Silly face!

My thinker.. so serious!

'Mom, really? More pictures?!'

Taking his aggression out on Yoda

'This plastic doesn't taste all that bad...'

Looking up at the skylight in the bathroom...

Contemplating how he can get out of the bathtub and away from the camera.

He thinks crying will make the big black thing go away... sorry honey!


This was the next day...another bath was necessary!  Just waiting for the water to be ready.

But before he got into the bath, he wanted to see what the animals were up to!


How cute are those buns?!

Naked hug with Timber

I love this picture... 

'More pictures, Momma?! Come on!'

AJ likes to pretend to swim in the bathtub.. it's adorable!

Playing with DarthVader

'Get that thing away from me!'

AJ now attempts to get out of the bathtub all on his own.  Oh, this makes Momma so nervous!

Scrub-a-dub-dub time!

'Enough Mom. I'm not even going to look at you anymore.'

AJ wasn't feeling the baby mohawk.

Timber came to visit during bathtime!

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