Friday, November 2, 2012

Afternoon Snack

Once we came inside from our afternoon outside, I gave AJ a snack of green apples with a yogurt dip.  I had been hesitant to give the snack to AJ because I planned on letting him eat it all by himself and it was the first time he would be eating dip so I knew it would get messy.  And of course it did get super messy, but he had lots of fun all the while eating a yummy snack!  And needless to say, but a bath ensued after he was finished!


Loving his apples with yogurt dip.

So yummy he had to lick the container

And shove it all in his mouth!

Look at that messy face!

Inspecting the container

'Oh look, I still have an apple left to eat!'

Yummy apple!

So happy with his first time eating a yogurt dip

Trying to get every last drop of dip that is left.

And here's where it gets even more messy...look at that hair!

Because clearly the leftover dip container that was SUPER sticky belongs in his hair, right?! 

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