Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hanging Out on my Playground

While Daddy was cutting the grass this afternoon, AJ and I headed out to play on the playground we got from Katie's old preschool.  The gentle breeze and warm sun made for a perfect time to get some fresh air!

Learning his way around the new playground

That's not how you go up the slide, silly!

Hi Dad!

My cutie!

Trying to go up the wrong way again on the smaller slide!

Hi Mom!

So handsome!

'I can totally make my way all the way up.. watch Mom!'

Almost there!

He did it!

Now to make my way down...

Of course I'm not gonna go down the right way!


Look at me go....

And I'm down!

Just a cute up-close and personal shot

After hew was done with the playground, he decided to crawl around and explore...

..Then he decided to come back a bit closer to Momma...

..and find a stick!

'Oooh this looks like fun!'

I think he was trying to teach the birds a lesson...

Still teaching!

Now he's singing to them!

Smiling for his Momma!

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