Friday, July 13, 2012

Fridge DJ

For AJ's birthday Mommy and Daddy bought him an awesome Leap Frog Fridge DJ that looks like a boombox and hangs on the fridge.  He had been starting to get fascinated with the fridge and would always be crawling over to it and standing up next to it so I figured some fridge toys would be perfect.  Well, it's been a hit!!  It sings the ABCs, some random songs and counts numbers too.  At first, AJ loved to take it off the fridge and throw it on the floor, but I promptly tried to stop that and it only happens every once in a while now!  It's really neat to watch him either walk or crawl over to it, hit the button and watch the dots move on the screen.  He seems to really like it!

Just hanging out at the fridge with my Fridge DJ

About the press the button

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