Wednesday, July 4, 2012

12 months!

366 days. [It's a leap year this year!]  That's how old my little man is today!  Where has the time gone?

AJ is walking all over the place with his walkers.  He will take anything that is big enough and slides on the floor and make it into a walker.  He is now starting to stand up all by himself without holding on to anything.  He took his first two steps! [Go AJ!!! And he did it again while I was snapping pictures! See below!]  AJ loves to clap his hands and tries to do the 'roll it' part in pat-a-cake.  He's gotten his eighth tooth so he now has four up top and four on the bottom.  He's gone to his first baseball game.  He loves to give hugs and they are the. best. hugs. ever.  He's started the transition to cows milk.  He loves to pick toys up, put them in a container and then take them out again.  This activity keeps him busy for a while!!

He's discovered that he can stand up in the bathtub while we are giving him a bath and he can throw all his bath toys on the floor. He loves to throw his toys down on the ground. He even likes to throw his food on the ground - especially when he knows Timber is sitting right by his high chair and will clean-up after him. He has taken a huge liking to fruit - blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, blackberries, etc. (I think he might just turn into a berry!) We've gotten him into a routine of taking two naps a day (please don't let me curse this by writing this down!) and he still sleeps about 11-12 hours at night. (We are so lucky!) And his little personality is starting to shine through more and more and he is such a happy baby!

AJ's stats are: 21 lbs 6 oz. 30 3/4 inches long. 46 cm head circumference.

We are so lucky to have you in our lives Alexander James. This past year has been the best year of our lives and it's all because of you. We can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you. We love you little man! ♥

The monthly picture

Playing with his new lawn mower

Checking it out - making sure it's working properly!

My little boy looks so grown up in this picture!

Playing with the birthday candles!

Daddy standing AJ up...

Such a big boy standing on his own...

'Daddy you let go of me...'

'I can do this'

'I'll take one step with my left foot...'

'Then I'll place it down...'

'And take another step with my right...'   
We are so proud of him!!

My handsome little boy

Playing with his toys

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