Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve

This year's New Year's Eve was just like last years.  We headed over to my parents house for our annual shrimp scampi dinner and then it was off to Kimmy and Jason's house for a little get together.  It was a pretty low key night - other than the champagne debacle on the couch! - and we rang in the new years with family and friends.  Thanks so much to Grandma and Grandpa for watching our little peanut so we could enjoy a night out!

Matt doing his serious thing.... punk! haha

Right after the champagne debacle!

Jessie and Mike

Wuey and Michael being silly

My love and I

Ok.. finally a good picture of Matt and Lauren

The hosts for the evening... Kimmy and Jason

All the girls

Something funny was happening...clearly!

This is what the boys did most of the night!

Thanks to Cioci Kimmy for taking all the pics!

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