Wednesday, January 4, 2012


185 days.  That's how many days we have been blessed to have our sweet little boy around.  Can you believe it?!  He's already half of a year old!  Everyone always told me time flies by a lot faster with kids and I didn't believe it because I had already thought time went by way too fast. But holy good god... the past 6 months feel like they have gone by in the blink of an eye!

Our little boy's stats are a healthy 16lbs, 27.5 inches long and his head circumference is 43cm.  He's growing like a weed and I love it!  He's such a happy little boy - always smiling and giggling at everyone.  And those dimples... what a ladykiller! He's gotten his two lower teeth (as you'll see in the below photos) and he seems to be a decent teether. (Fingers crossed that this continues!)  He had his first cold and it was awful hearing his cough and seeing his runny nose all day.  :(  He grabs onto everything that is within reach.  He jumps like a crazy kid in his jumperoo still.  And he's started to pull himself up when I have him in his infant rocking chair.  There's no stopping this child... he's going to be crawling before I know it!

We had our usual photoshoot for his 6 month birthday, but this time we had a visitor.  I'm sure you will all never guess who.... Timber!!  AJ adores Timber; the second Timber walks by him or walks into the room, AJ's entire face lights up.  They're already the best of friends!

From trying to transfer the sticker, Mommy ripped it! Oops!

Hahahaha... this picture makes me laugh out loud!

'Six months already?!'

'Ok... I'll guess I am!"

My sweet smiling happy boy!

Two teethies!

1 comment:

  1. I think AJ might be trying to perfect a scrunch face of his own, just like big cousin Allie :)
