Monday, July 25, 2011


Katie and Allie have embraced their new cousin with open arms.  Katie absolutely adores AJ and always gives him lots of kisses.  If she is in another room or paying attention to something else and she hears AJ cry, she is by his side within two seconds to see what's wrong and to make sure he is ok.  It is so sweet!  And well, Allie likes to stare at AJ and she tries to pet him like he's a cat - it's pretty cute too! ;)

We finally were able to capture a cousins picture today.  They might not all be looking at the camera, but hey, it's the best we could do!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Babcia and AJ Time

Babcia and Dziadzi absolutely adore their first grandson and AJ already has them wrapped around his little finger!  I haven't been lucky enough to capture any photos of Dziadzi with AJ, but I have of Babcia and AJ.
I love my Babcia!

Just hanging out on my Ba-ba

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tubby Time!

Now that AJ's umbilical cord has fallen off, he can go in his ocean wonders bathtub!  AJ was a trooper during his first tubby time and didn't cry all that much - that is, until we took him out of the bathtub to dry off... he was a little chilly!  Poor guy!  But all in all, AJ's first tubby time was a success!

This isn't so bad after all!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sleepy time

AJ loves his 'My Little Lamb' vibrating papasan chair that his Auntie Lauren got him.  Mommy likes it too because she can put him in it while she takes a shower and he seems to be pretty content.  Here is my little boy catching a few zzz's...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just Hanging Out

Mommy likes to lay AJ down on a blanket in our living room and just admire him... who wouldn't?! He's just so darn cute! AJ also got his first try at tummy time!

'I'm not so sure about this tummy time thing, mom!'

Look at that blanket - it's 29 years old! It's my mommy's blanket from when she was a baby! 

My adorable (and very long) little boy!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

One Week

My precious little boy is one week old today!  In just this short amount of time, he has already made his mark on our world, literally!  AJ has peed on me more than a few times, but he's only gotten Daddy once. Hmmm... should I take a hint?! haha  He rolls to his side when I put him in the bassinet for a little snooze and he flips me off while he nurses.  Silly boy!!  AJ also has the hiccups at least once a day, if not more - he's a growing boy!  Both Michael and I are completely in love with our little man and we love seeing him grow little by little.  Happy one week my favorite little man! 

Hanging out with his big brother

Sunning himself to help the jaundice he has

He's only a week old and he's already received his first piece of mail!

Snoozing in his bassinet

Meeting Lilly for the first time, who absolutely adores him

Hamming it up for the camera for Mommy

Naptime with Daddy

My precious one week old! Love you little boy! :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

First Bath

Tonight Michael and I gave Alexander his first bath.  AJ still has his umbilical cord so we could only give him a sponge bath, but it was still a process!  We made sure we had all the necessary items (i.e. soap, towels, washcloths, etc.), brought them to the kitchen and then started the bathing process.  AJ was a trooper through it all even though he wasn't so pleased with us, but at least he was fresh and clean at the end of it!

Daddy washing AJ

Time to wash the hair

Rinsing AJ's hair

Rubber ducky, you're the one!

'Daddy, I'm fresh and clean now!'

First family picture at home (clearly AJ wasn't too excited!)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

AJ's First Full Day at Home

We came home from the hospital yesterday and were greeted with these lovely signs and balloons.

My little cousins, Kaleigh and Melannie put their drawing talents to work and made sure we felt welcome when we entered our house.  And my sister, Kimberly and nieces, Katie and Allie picked out these awesome balloons and tied them to our mailbox to announce AJ's arrival to all our neighbors.  Thanks girls - we loved our welcome home gifts!!

We also received a few edible arrangements from various friends and family.  Before I went into the hospital, I had told friends and family that instead of spending money on flowers they should send us edible arrangements if they planned on sending anything.  I figured it was more cost effective since we could actually eat the fruit instead of just looking at the flowers and then watching them die!!  Granted edible arrangements are a tad more expensive than flowers, but we're worth it - right?! haha  The one below is from Michael's co-workers at FritoLay.  It was very yummy!!

AJ and Daddy had some quality sleepy time together and I couldn't resist taking a picture of my two favorite men.

He is just so adorable... we did good! :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

AJ Meets GG

Michael, AJ and I had many visitors in the hospital, but of course we didn't think to take pictures of everyone (shocking, I know!).  However, we did capture some images of one special visitor - my grandmother and AJ's great grandmother (aka GG).

I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but AJ just so happens to be the first boy in our family in about 17 years! Needless to say, it was quite a shocker when Michael told me it was a boy once I had delivered our little one (hence my reaction of 'holy crap!').  And you can definitely tell GG is quite excited to have a boy in the family by the image below!

Monday, July 4, 2011

AJ meets his Family

Our family of 3 :)

We're parents!! 

Proud daddy

He's only like 30 minutes old and he's already giving me the pouty face!

The little love of my life

Not letting go of Daddy

7lbs 1oz - Our little peanut

Still holding onto Daddy

Look at those long fingernails

Little feetsies

Clearly not enjoying his first bath

Alex meets his Babcia

Posing with Grandpa and Grandma

Posing with Babcia and Dziadzi

3 Generations

Meeting Grandma

Meeting Grandpa

Meeting Dziadzi

Proud Cioci Kimmy with her nephew