Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm 29 and Feeling Fine!

It's my favorite day of the year!!  I'm sure that will change once our little one arrives, but my birthday is like a holiday! I usually always have a countdown going for it and I get to eat yummy ice cream cake and be surrounded by my loved ones - what could be better?!  Oh, and I get presents too! YAY for presents!!  This year my parents, Kimmy, Jason and the girls got Michael and I a joint gift (since his birthday is exactly 3 weeks after mine) - we got a video camera!!  This was one of the last big ticket items we still needed to buy before the peanut arrives, but we're so loved (and spoiled!) that now we don't have to!  Thanks guys!  :)

Yummy ice cream cake!

Katie helping me blow out my candles

I love my Katie-Bug!

Love is all around.

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