Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cousins and a Big Butt

As some of you know, my cousin Marc and his wife Jen and their two daughters, Kaleigh and Melannie live down the road from us.  Since both the girls attend Franklin Elementary now, Jen has gotten super involved with PTO activities and Board of Ed meetings and such.  She also has volunteered to be one of the leaders for Kaleigh's Daisy Scout troop.  Needless to say, Jen is a super busy woman and she sometimes asks me to watch the girls while she is off being supermom.

 For the past 6 or 7 months, I've been watching Melannie on the first and third Wednesday of the month while Jen and Kaleigh go to Daisy Scouts.  Melannie is 3 years old and super cute, but let me tell you, this little girl is a spitfire! The first Wednesday I babysat for her she gave me a set of 4 rules: 1. Don't yell at the dog, 2. Hug me,  3. Don't juggle balls, and 4. Don't look at the Christmas tree. I should have known from that day forward that watching her would always be an interesting experience!!

Anyways, fast forward to today.  I'm watching her and we're sitting on the couch watching Spongebob Squarepants together.  She sees me drinking water from my nalgene container so she decides that now she wants water and asks me for some.  I gladly get up from the couch and am on my way into the kitchen when I hear Mel say "You have a big butt."  Umm... excuse me, what?! Did my 3 year old cousin really just tell me that I have a big butt??  I mean I know I'm pregnant and have gained some weight, but really?!  I then proceed to tell Mel that it's not nice to tell people that and explained to her that it hurt my feelings.  Well, being the spitfire that she is, her response was "well, it didn't hurt my feelings" and then she proceeded to tell me that the wall told her to say it.  Seriously, Mel?!

Needless to say, I had a nice conversation with Jen when she came to pick up Melannie and I'm hoping the next time there will be no such comments made!!  But if this is what I have to look forward to with my own child when he or she is 3 years old, God help me!! haha

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