Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm 29 and Feeling Fine!

It's my favorite day of the year!!  I'm sure that will change once our little one arrives, but my birthday is like a holiday! I usually always have a countdown going for it and I get to eat yummy ice cream cake and be surrounded by my loved ones - what could be better?!  Oh, and I get presents too! YAY for presents!!  This year my parents, Kimmy, Jason and the girls got Michael and I a joint gift (since his birthday is exactly 3 weeks after mine) - we got a video camera!!  This was one of the last big ticket items we still needed to buy before the peanut arrives, but we're so loved (and spoiled!) that now we don't have to!  Thanks guys!  :)

Yummy ice cream cake!

Katie helping me blow out my candles

I love my Katie-Bug!

Love is all around.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Plant Update!

It's been decided - the greenhouse is amazing! The seeds Michael and I planted a few weeks back have been doing so well that we're already thinking about doing a second round of cucumbers and summer squash (since one can never have enough!).  Since our first planting though, we have added jalapeno, habanero, hot yellow and sweet orange peppers, watermelons, roma, beefsteak and plum tomatoes, dill, scallions and sugar snap peas to the mix. 

Luckily, Michael expanded our garden this year and almost doubled it in size - otherwise, we would be in trouble and not have enough room to plant everything!  We're hoping to have good weather this weekend so we can put the new plastic down and begin to transplant some of the first seeds we started growing.  

Based on the progress of everything so far, I think I'll have my hands full this summer with canning and pickling (not to mention a little one!)!

Look at that progress!

One of us must have a green thumb for all of these seeds to be sprouting!


Marketmore cucumbers

Greenbeans.. yummy in my tummy!

Pickling cukes

Summer squash

Close-up of the celery

Monday, May 23, 2011

34 Weeks

The countdown is now at 6 weeks and we still have a lot to do!  The nursery is coming together, although it still isn't picture perfect like I want it to be.  I need to wash, dry and fold all of the clothes, blankets, towels, etc. we received for the baby shower.  And I need to clean out the closet so we can hang up the shelf organizer and put all the baby related items in there.  And the list goes on and on, but all of this will be on my to-do list for this coming week so hopefully my next post will detail my progress!

Baby Sevigny continues to have a party on the right side of my belly!  I asked the doctor about this and she said either the little one's back is facing my left side or that's where my placenta is so I have a little extra padding for the baby to kick through.  She didn't seem to be concerned - so I'm not either!  Something new this week is that our peanut had the hiccups this past Thursday.  Michael and I were sitting downstairs watching tv and I kept feeling the baby move/kick at regular intervals for about 3-4 minutes, which I'm assuming would be hiccups.  It was a neat sensation to feel and see my belly move up and down so often.

I'm still so amazed that Michael and I created this little baby and it's growing in my belly.  As each day passes, we get more and more excited about meeting him/her and we are so ready to begin our adventure as a family of 3!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

33 Weeks

This week Baby Sevigny has discovered mommy's ribs and continuously likes to maneuver him/herself right by them, which is definitely not the most comfortable position for me.  The only thing I have discovered that seems to ease the discomfort is when I straighten my back and elongate my torso.  It also seems as though the little one favors my right side over my left and hardly ever makes it over to the other side of my belly.  I sometimes wonder if the left side is where my placenta is and that's why I don't feel much movement over there. Not sure?!  All I know is that our peanut loves to move around and kick those little legs with all his/her might, which makes me smile.  I definitely think I'm going to miss having our little one inside of me once he/she is born. 

So I hate to admit this, but life got a little bit busy this week with trying to organize and clean the nursery and I didn't end up having time to take a picture to document the 33rd week! :(   Luckily though, my baby shower was close enough to Sunday (the day of the week that my pregnancy advances forward) so I can just use one of those pictures to document the 33rd week!

Trying to show the side view - don't mind Laurie! haha :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Showered With Love

I woke up this morning and I was feeling a bit snoopy!  Based on some information I had heard from a friend a while back, who shall remain nameless for fear of getting in trouble with Kimmy, I had determined that this was the weekend of my surprise baby shower.  I wasn't sure if it was Saturday or Sunday though - Michael and I had events scheduled for both days so I was a little confused as to what event was the cover-up.   Was it Conner and Cameron's birthday party today or was it my goddaughter Lilly's First Communion tomorrow?!  Both seemed like legit events, but I was still convinced one of them was a cover-up!

So, of course, me being the snoopy sniffer I am, I called Kimmy to find out what she was doing.  She told me she had just put Allie down for a nap and Jason and her were going outside to cut the lawn since it was supposed to rain later in the day.  (True story - it was supposed to rain!)  So then I'm thinking, hmmm... that sounds kinda fishy - Kimmy is usually the one to cut the lawn, not Jason.  So off I go to call my mom.  I call the house and no one answers.  I call her cell phone and she picks up! She tells me she's at the Town of Sprague Plant Sale, but the sound emitting from the phone did not scream plant sale to me.  It was very quiet in the background and her voice echoed a bit, almost like she was in a big, empty room.  A big, empty room where she would be setting up for my shower!!!  BINGO!!!  Today was the day!

So I went about getting ready for the day and kept asking Michael questions to try and get him to crack, but he held the secret in so well!  We finally were on our way to Conner and Cameron's birthday party, but somehow we needed to stop at the Town of Sprague Senior Center....oh that's right - because that's where my shower was! YAY!!!!   We went up in the elevator and once the door opened I was overwhelmed!  There were some shouts of 'SURPRISE' and lots of friendly faces with beautiful smiles and the presents... oh boy, were there presents!! :)

The AWESOME invitation that goes along with our nursery theme

I told you there were LOTS of presents - Baby Sevigny is so spoiled already!

I was a princess for the day with my crown and sash!

Yummy-in-my-tummy cake made by The Cake Lady to match our nursery theme!

I love koalas!

And kangaroos too!

Good food provided by Q-Haven BBQ

Why did no one from my family get me Yankees gear?  Seriously people - EPIC FAIL!

Blondie and I - we're three weeks apart!

'Hmmm... I think this might be my travel system!'

Adorable kangaroo card!
Pics of diaper cake to follow once I get pics from others!

As you can see, our baby shower was absolutely perfect!  We were so overwhelmed with the love and generosity shown to us by all of our family and friends - Baby Sevigny is already so loved and so spoiled rotten!!  Thank you to everyone who made our day so special - we are forever grateful to you all! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

32 Weeks - Happy Mother's Day!

We're getting closer - only 8 more weeks to go!  I celebrated my first Mother's Day yesterday even though I'm technically only a Momma-to-be!  Michael gave me a super sweet card, a family frame that is now just awaiting a picture of our new family and a Mommy and Me book that allows our little one and I to record cute sayings and such.  Of course, this book will not be used until our peanut is older, but it was a great gift that I have put away for when he/she gets to be a bit older.  It also helps that the book had kangaroos on the front cover and Michael knows how much I love kangaroos (and it goes along with our nursery theme)!

On the pregnancy front, things are going very well.  My acid reflux has seemed to disappear and I am not complaining about that at all!  I have been starting to feel a bit more pressure in my lower abdomen as the baby continues to get bigger.  It's been making my daily walks with Timber last a bit longer since I tend to walk slower now, but that's okay!  I'm convinced our daily walks are the one thing that have been keeping us healthy throughout the pregnancy so no real complaining here.  Oh, and as much as I don't want to admit this, I think I've started to waddle.  So not attractive!  Michael has been telling me that I've been waddling for some time now (how nice of him, huh?!), but I refused to believe it.  But I feel it happening now and it's so embarassing!  Oh well though, I guess it's one of those rites of passage that goes along with pregnancy! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cousins and a Big Butt

As some of you know, my cousin Marc and his wife Jen and their two daughters, Kaleigh and Melannie live down the road from us.  Since both the girls attend Franklin Elementary now, Jen has gotten super involved with PTO activities and Board of Ed meetings and such.  She also has volunteered to be one of the leaders for Kaleigh's Daisy Scout troop.  Needless to say, Jen is a super busy woman and she sometimes asks me to watch the girls while she is off being supermom.

 For the past 6 or 7 months, I've been watching Melannie on the first and third Wednesday of the month while Jen and Kaleigh go to Daisy Scouts.  Melannie is 3 years old and super cute, but let me tell you, this little girl is a spitfire! The first Wednesday I babysat for her she gave me a set of 4 rules: 1. Don't yell at the dog, 2. Hug me,  3. Don't juggle balls, and 4. Don't look at the Christmas tree. I should have known from that day forward that watching her would always be an interesting experience!!

Anyways, fast forward to today.  I'm watching her and we're sitting on the couch watching Spongebob Squarepants together.  She sees me drinking water from my nalgene container so she decides that now she wants water and asks me for some.  I gladly get up from the couch and am on my way into the kitchen when I hear Mel say "You have a big butt."  Umm... excuse me, what?! Did my 3 year old cousin really just tell me that I have a big butt??  I mean I know I'm pregnant and have gained some weight, but really?!  I then proceed to tell Mel that it's not nice to tell people that and explained to her that it hurt my feelings.  Well, being the spitfire that she is, her response was "well, it didn't hurt my feelings" and then she proceeded to tell me that the wall told her to say it.  Seriously, Mel?!

Needless to say, I had a nice conversation with Jen when she came to pick up Melannie and I'm hoping the next time there will be no such comments made!!  But if this is what I have to look forward to with my own child when he or she is 3 years old, God help me!! haha

Monday, May 2, 2011

Only 9 Weeks Left..... 31 Weeks!

 I'm starting the homestretch and our countdown has made it into single digits!  I'm still feeling pretty good, although, I have started to experience a little acid reflux, but it's nothing a few tums can't handle!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pots and Pets, Oh My!

Today, Michael and I planted some vegetable seeds in the hope that we won't have to buy the majority of the plants for our garden this year.  We have a nice greenhouse in our backyard that allows us to get a head start on our garden and is currently protecting all the pots from the somewhat cold temps we've been having at night.  If all goes well, we will have cherry tomatoes, green beans, pickling cucumbers, marketmore cucumbers, summer squash and cilantro (for our homemade salsa!).  We also planted some lettuce right outside the greenhouse because supposedly lettuce produces better in the cold temps.  Michael and I are keeping our fingers crossed that the seeds catch on...  here's hoping!!
The greenhouse

Our seeds in their pots

The lettuce area
While Michael and I were busy planting the seeds, our pets were living the life and relaxing! 

