Monday, September 3, 2012

Woodstock Fair 2012

It's been a couple of years since Michael and I have been to the Woodstock Fair, but when Grandma brought over the schedule of events this past week and pointed out there would be ceremonial Indian dancing, we knew we had to go!  See.. if you've been around my son anytime Grandma is around or we need him to look at the camera for a picture, you'll know we do our best Indian chant/song and dance to make him laugh and smile or look at us for a pic! (Grandma does the best Indian song and dance for AJ - his face lights up every. single. time. she does it! - Momma is just an imitator!)  So of course we would have to make an appearance at the Woodstock Fair - we couldn't let AJ miss out on the Indian dancing!!

We had invited both Grandpa and Grandma to come with us to witness AJ's excitement, but Grandpa had a golf tournament he was playing in and Grandma did not feel well so it was just the three of us.  We got into the fair and made our way right over to the Better Living Area and waited for the Indians to make their debut.

AJ was super excited waiting for the Indian dancing to begin

The he realized it wasn't ANYTHING like Grandma's version...

All they did was prance around and show off their fancy costumes. What a bummer! :(

So... off to visit the animals we went!

Instead of getting kissed by a cow like at Brooklyn Fair, AJ was able to pet a cow!

Daddy wanted in on the fun too!

Checking out the cow again!

Random sand castle at the Fair that we thought was pretty cool!

So even though the ceremonial Indian dancing was nothing like we had envisioned, Mommy and Daddy still got to eat their fair food of choice (deep-fried oreos!) and AJ got some fresh air and lots of people-watching in!

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