Tuesday, September 4, 2012


AJ is changing every. single. day.  It's crazy how fast he's learning things and he just loves to explore everything!  Walking isn't good enough for AJ anymore - he is now starting to try and 'run' after Timber! And he has to be strapped into his high chair now because he won't sit down for Mommy.  He can sign 'all done', 'more' and 'bath'.  He is starting to say 'up', 'down' and his favorite word is 'no'!  He knows where his nose and tongue are and will show you when you ask him.  He especially loves to show off his tongue - he opens his mouth real wide and sticks it right out for you!  He and Mommy have had some sleepless nights because of his molars, which all four are currently working their way through his gums (poor thing!).  He's learned that his bath toys are squeeze toys and he now loves to squeeze all the water out of them.  He is starting to climb up on things, especially Daddy when he is watching television.  He is obsessed with books and brings them everywhere with him.  He thinks everything is a walker - including his high chair - and he tries to push it around the house.  He is starting to understand what people are saying and if you ask him to bring you something, he will!  He has a partner-in-crime; her name is Allison Claire and she's his cousin!  His curiosity for everything around him is amazing and we absolutely love to watch him explore and develop his independence.  He is developing quite the personality and we can't wait to see what the upcoming months have in store for him.  We love you so much AJ!

[Again, I took these pictures a few days after his fourteenth month birthday.. please forgive me!]

We started in the front yard and eventually made our way to the back yard and in both places the theme for the photoshoot was 'how far can I run away from my Mom?!'

'Oh look.. there's something over there Momma!'

Still refuses to make eye contact with the camera!

My lens was adjusting to the outside temperature and got a bit fogged up

See...trying to get far away from Momma!

But he came back and made eye contact with me! YES!

Then he decided to play wit some dinosaurs...

And walk away from Mom with a dinosaur in hand...

..still going!

We made it to the back yard!

'I think I'll sit down for a minute...'

Nope...no more sitting - back up and walking away from Mom!

'Wait.. I think I see Daddy on the tractor in the field!'

I was able to pick him up for a brief minute and capture this neat picture, but he wanted to be down and running around the second I had finished snapping it!

Look at the devilish grin - I love it!

Daddy is waving to his little boy and AJ is SO excited!

I corralled him back and he played with his dinosaurs for a second....

....and then it was time to go see Daddy!

Daddy kisses on the tractor!

Daddy is teaching him young!

AJ was in his glory!

My two favorite boys in the world!  Love you!

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