Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beautiful Day for a Walk

I love Wednesday and Thursday mornings because I get to spend them with AJ before work.  I don't go in until 1:30pm so he and I get to have some play time and cuddle time.  And on days where the weather is beautiful we take Timber for a walk!  And today was one of those days!  We got all situated in the stroller (AJ's first time riding in the stroller and not in his car seat.. such a big boy!) and off we went!

This was during our cuddle time before our walk

In the car seat before I realized he was a big boy and could ride solo in the stroller

Happy to be outside!

'Look at me, Momma! I'm a big boy!'

Going for a walk is very tiring while Mommy pushes me around in my stroller!

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