Friday, March 30, 2012

Reading with Daddy

AJ's daily bedtime routine consists of either Momma or Daddy reading some stories to him followed by a bottle.  Tonight it was Daddy's turn so I was able to catch a few snapshots... So precious!

He was more interested in Momma and the camera than the book...

...but Daddy was able to capture his attention finally!

Playdate with Melannie

My cousin Jen started an afterschool hiking and running club at Franklin Elementary School on Fridays and it started this afternoon.  Her original babysitter fell through so she needed me as a back-up to watch Mel.  From the minute Mel walked in the door she was all about AJ and how she was 'babysitting' him.  It was adorable!

Melannie 'reading' to AJ... so cute!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Scramble it up!

As AJ is getting older, I'm trying to introduce him to new foods.  So this morning I cooked up some scrambled eggs and let him have at 'em!  He really seemed to take a liking to them and he even tried to share some with Timber!

These eggs feel funny in my hands!

They taste so yummy though!

Sharing is caring.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My New Hideout Spot!

I Can Stand Up!

Today started out like a normal Wednesday morning... I did the elliptical and a few things around the house, woke AJ up and nursed him, fed him breakfast and then we usually have play time.  But I had a few more things to do around the house after I fed AJ so I put him in the living room on the floor with some toys and went into the kitchen to finish the dishes.  In the background I heard AJ making some noises, nothing out of the ordinary, and so after I finished the dishes I went in to check on him.  And boy was I surprised at what I saw....

He stood up all by himself!!

Of course I tried to get him to do it again for me, but he wouldn't!!  So I guess I'll just have to wait until the next time he does it and hopefully it will be in front of me and not when I'm in the other room!!  But nonetheless, this Momma is so proud of her little boy!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hanging with Mr. Lion

Today was a quiet day around the house - after swim class we got dressed in comfy clothes and hung out all afternoon.  While we were lounging around, we decided Mr. Lion should make an appearance.  He came out as a riding toy and as a walker and AJ got to experience a little bit of both.  He seemed to have fun, but he's definitely not ready for walking yet.  But soon enough Buddy...   :)

'I got this Mom!'

'I'm gonna try this walking thing...'

'Maybe not..'


'Sitting down is so much easier'

Legs up!

I can stand and sit at the same time!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mommy & Daddy Night Out!

For the new year, I told Michael that I wanted to try and have a date night at least once every month.  Unfortunately, life has gotten a bit busy and tonight was the first night we were able to get out together.  Grandma and Grandpa came down to our house to watch AJ and we went to Comix at Foxwoods and saw the comedian Bob Marley.  He was absolutely hilarious and made for a fun evening!  Although we both missed AJ terribly, it was nice for us to have some adult time!  We both are looking forward to our next date in April!

After the show, waiting to meet and get Bob Marley's autograph

Friday, March 23, 2012

Play time at Babcia and Dziadzi's

We had another gorgeous day today so we headed over to Babcia and Dziadzi's where Katie and Allie were hanging out to have some play time!  AJ had a super busy day with his cousins... he got to slide down the slide, he went swinging for a bit, played with his stacking cups and played around with Katie!  He definitely will sleep well tonight!

Happy to be playing with his stacking cups

Katie loves to show him how to play with the toys

They love each other so much!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a Mess!

AJ had a little too much fun with his sweet potatoes tonight... they got everywhere.. even in his eyebrows!!

Play Cube

Ever since I saw a playcube at one of our photoshoots, I've wanted to get one for AJ.  However, I did not want to pay full price for one since they are a bit on the pricier side.  Enter in Craigslist and my sister who is AWESOME at finding deals.  After searching for a month or two, she found us one in Middletown for only $15 and it is in pretty good condition!!  Sweet deal Kimmy! THANK YOU!!  We brought it home after swim class this past Sunday and AJ has been playing with it ever since!

He even likes to show a little lovin' to it!  ;)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sleeping King

This is what I get to stare at on a daily basis... an adorable little guy.  I am such a lucky mom!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A little High Chair Snooze

When I got home from work today, Grandma and Grandpa informed me that AJ absolutely refused to go down for an afternoon nap.  They tried and tried, but he just wouldn't nap.  I wasn't too alarmed as he sometimes will only nap once during the day.  So it wasn't a surprise however when this happened tonight at dinner:

Baby Mum Mum still in hand and AJ was completely out.  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Another Walk

We had another gorgeous day today - I think it was in the high 70s - so when I got home from work today we went out for a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather.  I had AJ all decked out in his Yankees gear and off we went!

Looking super cute in his NYY gear

The fresh air got him all tuckered out

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Cousins Visit

We headed home after swim class for a lazy Sunday.  While we were just hanging out, Jenn, Melannie and Kaleigh stopped over for an impromptu visit.  It was nice to have the kids together and of course I had to take the camera out to document the visit!

Kaleigh lovin' on AJ

Something funny must have been on the television.

Melannie lovin' on AJ

The blonde hair cousins!

Swim Class!

 When AJ was 1 month old I signed him up for swim class with Bubbles to Butterflies, the same place that Cioci Kimmy takes her girls.  The class wouldn't start until he was 8 1/2 months old and it seemed like it was forever away.  But fast forward to this morning and it was the start of swimming lessons already!  We made our way to the AmericInn in Griswold in the morning and met up with Babcia and Dziadzi and Grandma and Grandpa (who missed golf for this momentous occasion!) who were going to watch AJ and I in the pool.  We also met up with Cioci Kimmy, Uncle Jason, Katie and Allie too since both of the girls had class at the same time as AJ.  In fact, Allie and AJ are in the same class! YAY!  We got AJ dressed into his super cute swim trunks and shirt and off we went into the pool.  It was a little bit on the chilly side but AJ didn't seem to mind, however, Allie did.  You'll see in the pictures below how upset and chilly she was...poor thing! Our teacher is Miss Laura and she is so good with the little ones!  Our first class consisted of swaying AJ in the pool to get him used to the water, back floats, learning how to kick his legs, swimming towards an object and grabbing it and Mommy blowing bubbles in the water to show AJ how comfortable I am in the water.  AJ seemed to love the entire class which we figured he would since he absolutely LOVES his baths and being in the water.  We can't wait for our next one!

Oh.. as an added bonus, AJ's friend Dexter and his mommy Julie are in our class as well.  Yay for friends in swim class!

AJ and Daddy before swim class

Getting excited!

Mommy and AJ and Cioci Kimmy and Allie enjoying our first class

See.. I told you Allie didn't like the cold water!

About to swim over by kicking his legs to the object we just threw in the water

Kick those legs little man!

He loves swimming already!

As a sidenote - yes, Cioci Kimmy and I wore the exact same swim suit.  You can be sure we will be calling each other from now one to make sure that doesn't happen again!  Silly sisters!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Who needs toys?

Michael and I decided to order Chinese take-out for dinner tonight.  I had taken out two menus so each of us would have one to look at and decide what we wanted.  Well, AJ had other plans for my menu... it became his toy.  He was moving it all around, crinkling it, tearing it and having a grand ol' time.  Who needs toys when you can have a Chinese take-out menu?!

Yummy menu

Having fun!

Don't take away my menu, Momma!


So happy to be playing with the menu!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring is Near!

I walked outside this afternoon and saw these beautiful flowers.... spring is a coming!

Beautiful Day for a Walk

I love Wednesday and Thursday mornings because I get to spend them with AJ before work.  I don't go in until 1:30pm so he and I get to have some play time and cuddle time.  And on days where the weather is beautiful we take Timber for a walk!  And today was one of those days!  We got all situated in the stroller (AJ's first time riding in the stroller and not in his car seat.. such a big boy!) and off we went!

This was during our cuddle time before our walk

In the car seat before I realized he was a big boy and could ride solo in the stroller

Happy to be outside!

'Look at me, Momma! I'm a big boy!'

Going for a walk is very tiring while Mommy pushes me around in my stroller!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Outside, Finally!

It was an absolute gorgeous day today (~60 degrees!) so after I got home from work AJ and I headed outside to get some fresh air.  I put down a couple of blankets, brought out some toys and we both basked in the sun!  Not too shabby for an early March afternoon!

'Who you lookin' at Momma?'

So happy to be outside in the sun

Just looking around

My sweet little boy

We stayed outside until little man got a little tired