Sunday, February 20, 2011

And we have a mover!

Sunday evenings are usually very restful at the Sevigny household.  Michael likes to be home relaxing and have the chance to unwind before the work week starts up again.  But because Michael has tomorrow off due to the President's Day holiday, we decided we would go out to to a quick dinner at Chili's and then see a movie because the baby was craving movie popcorn!  (I love that I can blame my cravings on the baby! haha)  Well, there we were sitting in the theater watching the movie and all of a sudden, I felt something in my belly.  It wasn't a 'flutter' like the doctor had mentioned, but it also didn't feel like a piece of popcorn popping in my belly which Kimmy, my sister, said it would feel like.  It was almost as if the baby put his or her little hand or finger on the inside of my belly and pressed out very quickly.  I think he or she was saying 'Hi Mommy, I'm here!'.  I finally had felt my little pumpkin move!  It only happened that one time tonight, but it was one of the coolest things ever...I can't wait to feel him or her again!


  1. Just wait till she/he starts really punching/kicking you- you'll long for the days of the little poke from the inside :) The fun part is coming though- remember how we used to just sit and watch my belly move? If your little one is anything like Katie, we'll have some entertainment in another few weeks

  2. YEAH!!! That is one of the best feelings in the world!!!

  3. Yay yay yay! I remember wondering how the baby would feel when he/she decided to move. It seems to be different for everyone. No matter how it feels I think everyoe agrees that it is just amazing! Wait until you feel the hiccups!
