Monday, February 7, 2011

19 Weeks and Counting!

Today, I had my 19 week ultrasound.  I'm almost at the halfway point and so far, I can't really complain!  I've escaped morning sickness and almost all the icky things that seem to go along with the first trimester/beginning of the second trimester.  I'm hoping from here on out it will continue to be smooth sailing! :) 

The ultrasound tech told us that our little one looks perfect, is about 10 ounces, and has a very strong heartbeat of 153 beats per minute.  She also mentioned that I have an anterior placenta which explains why I haven't felt the baby move yet. [Click here to find out what an anterior placenta is]  Hopefully within the next few weeks though I'll be able to feel our little one - I cannot wait until I do!! :)  

Our little one's spine and head.  His/her arms were crossed and in front of the face.
A close-up of the face
The feet
The baby was facing down and all snuggled up. :)


  1. Love ultrasound pictures!! I am so happy for you two!!

  2. Yay...our first view at the little munchkin! The whole baby movement piece is a very odd feeling - amazing but odd! Keep us updated!
