Friday, February 25, 2011

And the water works have begun!

The pregnancy hormones are definitely in full effect!  Yesterday, I went out for a bit with Kimmy, Katie-Bug and Allie-Cat.   And as we're driving along, Katie asked me if I could go back to the house with her and help her with a puzzle.  I explained to her that I couldn't go that afternoon because I had some errands to run, but before Kimmy and I went to our monthly photography meeting that night I could probably stop by and help her out with the puzzle.  Well, this was very sad news to Katie because she wanted me to go over that afternoon - she didn't want to have to wait until the evening.  So there I was sitting in the front passenger seat feeling super guilty because I was letting down my favorite two-year old niece.  And then the tears started coming.  It wasn't an all-out cryfest, but there was definitely one or two tears that had streamed down my cheeks.  I felt so guilty for not being able to help Katie out with her puzzle.  :(

Fast forward to that evening: I ended up falling asleep on the couch, which made me late in making dinner which in turn did not allow me to go over to Kimmy's house before our photography meeting.  And by this time, Katie had already forgotten about the whole puzzle situation from earlier so she didn't have a care in the world.  However, I had not forgotten about it.  And as I was on my way to the photography meeting, I was talking with my husband, Michael on my cell phone and we were discussing our days.  I was mentioning to him how I went out with Kimmy earlier in the day and how Katie asked me to help her with a puzzle, but that I couldn't make it there in the afternoon because of other errands I had to run.  And again, the water works began.  But this time, I was full-fledged crying because I felt so guilty that I let down my Katie.  Luckily I was able to compose my quickly as I was driving and needed to concentrate on the road... but man, those pregnancy hormones sure have kicked in!  I know I've always been a pretty sensitive person but now it's gotten like ten times worse.  These next 19 weeks sure will be interesting!! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

21 Weeks

I know I'm a day late with posting my belly pic for the week, but it's better late than never, right?!  

Thanks to my sister, Kimmy for taking and editing these shots!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

And we have a mover!

Sunday evenings are usually very restful at the Sevigny household.  Michael likes to be home relaxing and have the chance to unwind before the work week starts up again.  But because Michael has tomorrow off due to the President's Day holiday, we decided we would go out to to a quick dinner at Chili's and then see a movie because the baby was craving movie popcorn!  (I love that I can blame my cravings on the baby! haha)  Well, there we were sitting in the theater watching the movie and all of a sudden, I felt something in my belly.  It wasn't a 'flutter' like the doctor had mentioned, but it also didn't feel like a piece of popcorn popping in my belly which Kimmy, my sister, said it would feel like.  It was almost as if the baby put his or her little hand or finger on the inside of my belly and pressed out very quickly.  I think he or she was saying 'Hi Mommy, I'm here!'.  I finally had felt my little pumpkin move!  It only happened that one time tonight, but it was one of the coolest things ever...I can't wait to feel him or her again!

Monday, February 14, 2011

20 Week Belly Pic

I've made it to the halfway mark - 20 weeks!  I still haven't felt the baby move yet, but the doctor said I should hopefully feel him/her within the next week or so.  But until then, the only exciting news I have for everyone is that I've started taking belly pics!  My hope is to post one from here on out every week until I deliver our little bundle of joy.  It will be pretty neat to see how I grow along with our little one! Enjoy!

A close-up

The full view

Monday, February 7, 2011

19 Weeks and Counting!

Today, I had my 19 week ultrasound.  I'm almost at the halfway point and so far, I can't really complain!  I've escaped morning sickness and almost all the icky things that seem to go along with the first trimester/beginning of the second trimester.  I'm hoping from here on out it will continue to be smooth sailing! :) 

The ultrasound tech told us that our little one looks perfect, is about 10 ounces, and has a very strong heartbeat of 153 beats per minute.  She also mentioned that I have an anterior placenta which explains why I haven't felt the baby move yet. [Click here to find out what an anterior placenta is]  Hopefully within the next few weeks though I'll be able to feel our little one - I cannot wait until I do!! :)  

Our little one's spine and head.  His/her arms were crossed and in front of the face.
A close-up of the face
The feet
The baby was facing down and all snuggled up. :)