Friday, April 27, 2012

Daddy come home!

Daddy has been in Texas for work this past week and AJ misses him dearly.  I even caught him standing at the door waiting for Daddy to come home!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Little Koala

For my baby shower we had an Australian animal theme... koalas, kangaroos, crocodiles and kookaburras!  For one of the gifts, we had received an adorable koala hat, but it was a bit big so I knew we were going to have to wait some time before we could put it on the baby.  Well, fast forward to today and I remembered we had the hat so I took it out and tried to put it on AJ.   He wanted nothing to do with it, but luckily I was able to snap a few pictures of him with it on in between the times he kept pulling it off.   (I must admit, I waited a little too long to break it out because it's now too small on him! Sad!)

Right before he took it off

Mr. Serious

Doesn't he look oh-so-happy?!

Freedom around the house

Now that AJ can crawl, he is motoring all around the house!

He likes to explore and make his way into different rooms

He likes to sit at the top of the stairs and wait for Timber or Daddy to come up from downstairs

He likes to show off for the camera

He even likes to pretend he's in baby jail with the gate!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Crawling AJ

I've been noticing AJ getting up on his knees a lot lately so I knew full-blown crawling was thisclose to happening.  And I was right!!  I noticed him crawling around on his hands and knees rather than his belly today...  GO AJ - Mommy and Daddy are so proud!   It only took him about 2 1/2 weeks since he started army crawling to realize crawling on his hands and knees was a bit easier and less strenuous!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Toys everywhere!

AJ takes out all of his toys from his toy bins on a daily basis.. it's oh so much fun to clean up!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Little Army Crawler

Just wanted to show a quick video of our little one doing his army crawl... he uses his right arm and left leg to crawl.. he's a little silly!!

Passed out!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Standing Up

For the past week or so I've had the pack-n-play set up in the living room with the hopes of AJ learning how to pull himself up into a standing position.  He has stood up on his own a few times before, but I figured with being in the pack-n-play when Mommy was getting ready or trying to get a few things done around the house, he would learn how to hold onto the sides and pull himself up.  And I was right, this morning when I came out of the shower, he was standing up!  What a proud Momma I was when I saw him!

Car Fun

Cioci Kimmy and I had gotten to Babcia and Dziadzi's at the same time this afternoon and before I even had a chance to take AJ out of his carseat to bring him inside, I saw this in the car:

The love their cousin so much they couldn't wait for him to get out of his carseat! Silly little girls!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Babcia's Birthday

Today is my Mom's birthday so we had pizza (my mom's favorite food!) and yummy ice cream cake to celebrate the occasion!  It was too bad though when I ordered the cake they got the spelling wrong and Mom's name for the evening was 'Babica' and not Babcia.  We had a little fun with it though while we were singing happy birthday to her... Us kids never make for a dull moment!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Piggies in the Sand

Our usual Monday ritual ensued this afternoon and we headed over to Babcia and Dziadzi's after work.  It was an absolutely beautiful afternoon out so we brought the kids outside and had them do some swinging, go in the sandbox and feed some ducks later in the evening.  

AJ's first time in the sandbox

We set his piggies free in the sand

Not sure how he feels about the sand

Katie took a turn at pushing AJ on the swing

There's a male and female duck in this pic even though they are hard to see!

Baby Mohawk

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Little Adventurer

AJ loves to scoot/cruise around while holding onto objects.  Tonight he cruised from the chaise lounge to the exersaucer and then over to the jumperoo.  Once he got to the jumperoo though he got stuck in between the piping and the saucer and couldn't get out! We eventually had to lift him out... oh my little adventurer!

Heading from the exersaucer to the jumperoo...

Help Mom! I'm stuck!

A Sunday Funday

Michael had to go in to work this morning and then help his Dad with some stuff around the farmhouse so AJ and I headed over to Babcia and Dziadzi's for a fun afternoon!

Who is that driving the tractor?!

Oh look.. it's AJ and Dziadzi!

I can totally do this Mom!

Looking cute in his exersaucer in the screenhouse visiting with GG

While AJ slept on Babcia....

...Mommy and GG played a game of scrabble!

Down for the Count

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Little Yankee Fan

We headed out for a walk this afternoon and even though it was a bit chillier than usual, Mommy still made sure she put on AJ's Yankees hat to represent a winning team!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Fashionably Late Easter Bunny?

Mister Easter Bunny was a little late visiting the Sevigny household this year!  Nonetheless he still made an appearance and dropped off some awesome goodies for AJ!

AJ's Easter goodies

Excited for the new toys

Oooh.. a giraffe!

Oooh... a dinosaur!

Just a card!

And naturally the giraffe wanted to read the card!

Playing with his new barn

The Easter Bunny thought AJ could eat chocolate! Silly Bunny.. Mommy will have to eat it for him! ;)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Is that a Bunny or Daddy?

AJ's First Easter

For AJ's first Easter we headed over to Babcia and Dziadzi's house.  Once there we tried to take some cousins pics which is always fun with the little ones and then it was time for AJ's first Easter Egg Hunt!!  We let Katie and Allie do their hunt first and then Katie helped AJ with all of his eggs!  Once we collected all of the eggs, we hung out in the screenhouse and opened up all of the goodies.  The Easter Bunny sure knows how to spoil the kids!!  Afterwards we hung out with family and friends and enjoyed the remainder of the afternoon.  What a great day it was!

My little man in his Easter outfit.. so serious!

Hugs from Katie

Uhh...They kinda were looking all in the same direction..

It's an AJ sandwich

Dziadzi helping Allie retrieve her eggs

Katie was a HUGE help with AJ's eggs

Such a good helper!

Love her!

AJ's first Easter basket

AJ was excited for the eggs!

Easter smiles!

Family picture