Sunday, September 4, 2011

2 Months!

It's been two months since our little man has arrived in our lives and we both fall more in love with him every day.  The days continue to go by way too fast and he keeps growing and getting stronger every day.  AJ has begun 'cooing' and it's the cutest thing ever!  I love hearing him trying to express himself.  He has started to recognize both Mommy and Daddy and acknowledges us both with bright eyes and huge smiles.  He has rolled over from his tummy to his back and has graduated to size 1 diapers! [Such a big boy! haha]  AJ has been baptized and has experienced an earthquake, a tropical storm and 6 days without power!  And the best thing of all is that he has begun to sleep through the night!  He loves to be swaddled and will sleep from around 9/10pm until 5/6am - go AJ!

At his two month appointment he was 9lbs 4oz and 23.5 inches long.  He's getting so big!  In the pictures you'll notice he has crazy old man hair.  AJ has lost almost all of the hair on the top of his head and now has peach fuzz growing in, but still looks bald.  He's so adorable!

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