Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Think I have an Alien in my Belly

Tonight was the first time that I could actually see my belly move from our little one kicking up a storm!  I've been able to feel him/her for the past few weeks, but it was awesome to actually see movement from the outside! Of course, the movement of my belly seems so faint compared to what I'm actually feeling on the inside, but I still thought it would be neat if Michael could finally feel the baby so I had Michael rest his hand on my belly for a couple of minutes.  Our little one moved a tiny bit for Daddy and I think he was able to feel him/her, but Michael was getting confused with my breathing versus the baby's movements so who really knows if he felt anything at all!  Hopefully within the next few weeks the movements will become stronger and Daddy will *really* feel his little son/daughter!


  1. Ha ha ha - I remember wanting Brian to feel our little one. Funny thing would be that she would stop moving once he put his hand on my belly. He got one good kick once and that was it! Hopefully your LO will be kind to you and not be a gymnast but will let Michael have some sort of feel!

    Do you have a feeling - boy or girl?

  2. I really have no clue what I'm having... Katie keeps telling me I have a baby girl dinosaur in my belly and that she's green! haha But either way - I'm so excited to meet our little one... I cannot wait to be a mommy!! :)
