Monday, March 28, 2011

Another week has gone by... 26 Weeks

The nursery has been painted, the chair rail installed and the only thing left is the border to be put up.  Once that is completed, we'll be ready to set up the crib and decorate the nursery with our Australian themed bedding set! I can't wait! :)  Pictures to follow once everything is complete...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wedding Highlights!!

I know it seems a little crazy to be posting a wedding highlights video considering Michael and I got married back in September of 2009, but we just received a copy of the highlights!  When I had Vin from First Take Studios sign on to video our wedding, it was understood that we would give him an unlimited amount of time to edit our wedding video.  We basically asked him to come out of retirement just for us and because he had worked with both my sister, Kimberly and cousin, Lauren on their weddings - it wouldn't seem right to have our wedding without him there.  So after a lot of convincing and some embarassing pictures (I literally sent him one of me down on my knees begging!!), he agreed to do it!!  And now... here is the link to the highlights from our 9.12.09 wedding....   :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

25 Weeks

Things are pretty much the same as last week so I don't really have anything new to report other than a new belly pic!  Oh, and the fact that my niece Katie is thoroughly convinced that there is a baby girl dinosaur residing in my belly who is green.  If there really is a dino in there, I'm just hoping she doesn't have horns because that might hurt coming out!! ;)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Think I have an Alien in my Belly

Tonight was the first time that I could actually see my belly move from our little one kicking up a storm!  I've been able to feel him/her for the past few weeks, but it was awesome to actually see movement from the outside! Of course, the movement of my belly seems so faint compared to what I'm actually feeling on the inside, but I still thought it would be neat if Michael could finally feel the baby so I had Michael rest his hand on my belly for a couple of minutes.  Our little one moved a tiny bit for Daddy and I think he was able to feel him/her, but Michael was getting confused with my breathing versus the baby's movements so who really knows if he felt anything at all!  Hopefully within the next few weeks the movements will become stronger and Daddy will *really* feel his little son/daughter!

Monday, March 14, 2011

24 Week Check-up

This morning I had my 24 week check-up and the nurse practitioner said everything looks good.  All of my measurements are right on target and the baby's heartbeat was super strong and in the 150s.  He/she was kicking up a storm when the NP was listening with the doppler - I think I'm going to have an active one on my hands!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not-so-Typical Sunday

I had been asking Michael to help me take down the guest bed in the soon-to-be nursery for probably about a month now. Well, today was the day it was actually going to happen!  We had finally disassembled everything, got things ready for storage and it was time to put everything up in the attic.  Piece by piece, Michael did an awesome job of fitting everything through the tiny opening in the ceiling, considering the bed is a twin XL and has an awkward shape.  After about a half-hour of being up in the attic, Michael was ready to come down and be done for the evening.  He had made his way down the attic stairs and had folded them back up so he could lift them up into the attic.  He thought they were all secured so he let go, but little did he know that they weren't secure at all and they came crashing down on him.  Michael grabbed his head, fell to the floor and was screaming in pain.  Luckily, I was right behind him so I was able to catch the stairs, fold them back up, put them in the attic and tend to Michael.  I originally thought the stairs had just hit Michael on the hand, but once I was finally able to get the stairs up and help Michael, I saw blood not only on his hands, but running down his face as well.  It was super scary, but both Michael and I stayed pretty calm throughout the entire situation.  I ran to get some towels so he could put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding and once we had the bleeding under control, we called both my parents and his parents to make sure we did everything we could to ensure he would be alright.  We then washed his head in the guest bathroom to try and get all the blood off of him and I dabbed the wound with hydrogen peroxide to clean it.

After cleaning the wound and talking to Michael's mother, we decided it would be best to make a trip to the ER.  So we packed up and headed down to Backus Hospital.  Luckily, we made the trip.  Michael ended up getting five staples (without any numbing agent, I might add. OUCH!!!) and was given some percocet and anti-infection meds and told to go home and rest.  

What a way to end our weekend!  I'm just glad my hubby is okay, had no symptoms of a concussion and that I was there to take care of him. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

22 weeks

The belly doesn't look like it has grown too much from last week, but I'm pretty sure our little one has!  He/she has been making his/her presence known in my belly lately and I'm loving it!!